CBR is a community development strategy that aims to enhance the quality of
life for people with disabilities and their families, and ensure their inclusion and
participation in the community. CBR was initially launched by WHO as a
strategy to increase access to rehabilitation services at the community level for
people with disabilities, but it has evolved into a much broader and
multisectoral approach to community-based inclusive development. CBR aims
to achieve rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities and social inclusion by
involving people with disabilities in community development processes. CBR is
implemented through the combined efforts of people with disabilities, their
families, disabled people’s organizations (DPOs), other community stakeholders
including nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and relevant governmental
bodies, particularly those responsible for health, education, vocational and
social services. CBR uses a grass-roots approach to guide development
priorities. CBR mobilizes local capacity and resources and uses community
strengths and structures, and often fills community service gaps.